Trusted by tens of thousands of individuals, and thousands of neurofeedback clinicians. Fully customisable neurofeedback protocols, comprehensive clinical dashboard, and a consumer-grade app.

Our Packages

Understand my Brain

AU$1,000 Brain Mapping, Report and Feedback Session with our global Brain Map Expert

ZenWaves Platinum

Stage 1 AU$1,750
Stage 2 AU$1,750
Stage 3 AU$1,750

ZenWaves Extend

AU$1,500 per month

ZenWaves Follow Up Brain Map


The benefits


Effective Results

At ZenWaves, our experts analyse your unique brain map to develop a tailored protocol designed for you. Through our customised protocols, you can expect significant improvements in attention, relaxation, sleep quality, and overall mental performance.


Convenience and Cost Savings

Forget about traveling to appointments or dealing with scheduling conflicts. With remote neurofeedback, you can train in the comfort of your own home, saving you valuable time and reducing the hassle of commuting. Remote neurofeedback offers an affordable alternative without compromising on quality. Experience the benefits of professional neurofeedback without travelling or taking time off work.

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Flexible Training Schedule

We understand that everyone has different commitments and schedules. We adapt to your needs by providing flexible training options. Simply set aside two to three sessions per week, and you can easily incorporate neurofeedback training into your daily routine. With our easy-to-use interface, you can track your progress and witness the improvements firsthand.

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No Side Effects

Tired of relying on medications with unwanted side effects? Remote neurofeedback offers a drug-free solution. By harnessing the brain's natural ability to learn and self-regulate, our neurofeedback system promotes lasting improvements without any adverse effects. Experience the freedom of enhancing your brain function naturally.

Our vision

Our vision is to serve clients who are seeking side-effect free and effective approaches to improve mental health while empowering them to live productive and fulfilling lives.